Thursday, October 2, 2008

This Really Sucks

Alright, I have not seen Grace or Isabel for a month and a half now. I can't believe someone, ex-wife or not, could be so selfish as to take children away from their father when their are no problems between the father and the children. I miss them terribly.

The fact that she just decided she was moving 1000kms away and didn't discuss it with me at all, but just picked up and left just pisses me off. I missed Graces first day of grade one. There is just no excuse for that. It's definitely not what is best for the girls. They need their father. The selfishness astounds me.

It's very interesting to watch Kristi's dad's reaction in court. He's definitely developed some opinions about me based on what he believes has happened since Kristi and I split. Wow, is he ever out to lunch, but then again that's not exactly a news flash.

So, we're in court now. I've been to court twice already this month only to have things pushed back both times. On the 2nd of September Kristi didn't bother to show up and then on the 23rd of September she sent her daddy, because she can't do anything without him (the real reason we're divorced). She did appear via phone, but things just got pushed back again. Now we wait until the 14th of October.

Are my children going to be entering junior high before they move back home again? I don't know, but this really sucks.